Sometimes... together

Sometimes crying is the best way to express ourselves... to notice what moves us and what worths it...
Sometimes just smiling we can change world... or other people's world...
Sometimes a big hug is better than presents, words or, well, everything.
Sometimes is not necessary to understand, not even share... sometimes is just about stay there.
Sometimes we think we are better than we really are and then one of those shows us the real world... awful disparages...
Sometimes it doesn't matter if it's me or you, if it's better or worse, if it's fate, luck or chance... because it's both and the rest doesn't matter.
Sometimes would be a great idea to join people, to lend our hand, to raise our voice not from mind but from navel ... there are a lot of treasures waiting for us. ¿Shall we play the pirates?
Sometimes we have to forget past, future and even present... and live...

Following only our stomach and our heart

[It's not necessary to pretend, it's not necessary to keep quiet, it's not necessary to say something, it's not necessary to compare, it's not necessary to compete... just feel and don't worry]


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