I'm here for you

Porque no hay nada malo en pensar que al final el principe besa a la princesa y todos son felices...

But what if I should change the tense? What about repentance? Could I stand if you repent someday?

So many espectations and no experience but you think it's all about something it isn't, and it's better that way cause how the hell could I explain that
f****** insecurity that stuns and afraids me...

Because it's not that I don't want but I can't...if I say what I think now, well, I'll may be a failure then because it's really different thinking and even saying than doing.
And I don't want you to think I don't care, I don't want you to feel that it's lighter to me, I don't want you to feel alone in whatever we have, I don't want you to worry about my feelings because all your fears don't have any sense...I just feel complete reading those words, how could you hurt me?

What if I need to scape? I don't wanna be scaping forever, I know I have to stop but I'm used to give up when I'm reaching the top and sightseings from here are so overwhelming...
I really want to stay but there are so many things that may go wrong, there are so many things I may do wrong, so many things I shoul say but I won't do, so many things I should know but I actually don't know... and it's hardly difficult to express myself by words, to show my bare soul.

What if I'm destined to be alone?

Share my dreams, share my thoughts, share my feelings, share my bed...


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