
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2010


Y no pienso escribir nada mas que me pueda comprometer ni que tenga que ver con nubarrones rosas y lunas llenas . But the look that you gave me... you make me somebody Ain't nobody knows me ... Not even me can see it...

Did you expect something different?

Maybe a detailed description or something like that? Better luck next time


- I thought our story was epic, you know? You and me. Spanning years, and continents. Lives ruined and blood shed. Epic! - Come on. Ruined lives? Bloodshed? You really think a relationship should be that hard? - No one writes songs about the ones that come easy...

Meaningless, don't try to interpret

I wanna destroy... something. Run away while the sky is pouring heavy drops, like painful hail. Why am I waiting? Shivering because I've thought on him. Today is not a day to smile, but I'm actually smiling. Rain reminds me so many things that are impossible to convey. It is not the same thinking or speaking than doing. We should have more patience. Guilty for not doing what I should have done, neither now. Never is not so far. ¿De que va todo esto? I feel protected. I'm used to playing alone. It'd be really an ultimatum?


El miedo es un soplo en la nuca que te deja sin sangre...

Last generation is coming...

Ayer despues de comer me conecte a internet como acostumbro y por las razones de siempre, pero a la media hora de no hacer nada, cuando me disponia a contestar los comentarios de una de esas anticristicas redes sociales... (redoble de tambores)... ¡el teclado no escribia! Tenemos un modernisimo y lleno de migas teclado inalambrico de esos con un botoncito rojo en la parte posterior que dice "tocame" y asoma una sensual pierna, asi que dije, ¿por que no? Zas y voila! ¡Escribia! ... tres palabras y vuelta a empezar... u¬¬ Despues de pulsar el p**o botoncito unas 47 veces me canse, y como soy una persona con recursos, me anime a contestar alguno a base de copy/paste letra a letra (bien es cierto que tengo alguna experiencia porque lo mio con la tecnologia viene de largo), aunque claro, en el msn (ebuddy en realidad, pero eso ya es otra historia) eso no sale rentable de ninguna manera... Al final me alegre de tener un ordenador portatil porque pense: ¡Ey! Aunque me tenga que t...

Hugs aren't enough, overwhelming

I don't care, and I don't care anything unless it's related to you, but I really feel everything and it has no sense but I don't care. I don't care what you think? I don't know whether it's just me or not but I don't care... I don't care because I'm sure, because I know, because I feel, because everything is all right and, what is more, I don't care because I'll be ok. As someone told me a long time ago "I am a rock, I am an island... And a rock feels no pain, and an island never cries..." The bad news are that that's true but the good ones are that I don't care. I just wanna explore, I just wanna run, I just wanna get wet, I just wanna lay on grass, sand, wherever...I just wanna travel, scape, go on, go back, yaw... I need air, I want to feel it all around my skin , I wanna get hoarse by screaming ... What you don't know is that it's not a caprice, that's not something just to spend the time on, tha...

Algo no encaja

Que extraña esa sensacion de que para saludarte te cojan de las manos...

Pero jamas en mi...

Podra la muerte cubrirme con su funebre crespon ...